TOWNS (cup eve)

Monday, 31st October 2022

Monday October 31st (cup eve)

In 2018, TOWNS released their debut EP Television, which swept listeners off their feet from the first spin with its unique blend of 90s pop rock and Australiana. Proving they love all things 90’s the duo have even created a YouTube series TOWNS TV hosting their own nostalgic TV show drawing inspiration from the ever-popular Cheez TV that captivated young Australian’s during the late 90’s.

The duo recently announced their signing to Farmer & The Owl and has been named ‘Best RockGroup’ three years running for the South Australian Music Awards.

TOWNS continue to deliver their good-time vibes with their live shows, having joined fellow Adelaideans Teenage Joans on a sold out co-headline tour, they also hit the road for their ownheadline shows and supporting Ruby Fields playing to packed out venues and bringing the highoctane energy they are known for. This is in addition to supports for Holy Holy, among many others. They have also been regulars on the festival circuit appearing on the bills of SideFest, Summer Sounds, Yours & Owls Festival, Falls Festival, NYE on the Hill and Spin Off Festival.

Foundations of Leadership Coaching

Vestibulum eu ex consectetur aliquempor nisl.

  • What is Leadership development?
    1m 19s
  • Declare your promise to your customers

    3m 28s

  • Values & Vision - Leading the Way
    2m 30s
  • Time & Energy Management
    3m 30s

Core Compentencies of Leadership

Praesent efficitur vitae purus tincidunt dapibus.

  • Everything start with Why
    1m 55s
  • Strengthend your Leadership
    6m 14s
  • Leading Change
    2m 58s
  • Being Health and Profitable
    1m 22s

Building Professional Leadership

Aliquam ipsum lorem, tempus at lorem et, condimentum semper sem.

  • Your Company Culture starts with you
    1m 35s
  • Everything start with Why
    5m 8s
  • Strengthend your Leadership
    2m 5s
  • Leading Change
    2m 15s
  • Being Health and Profitable
    2m 38s

Practicum in Leadership Coaching

Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.

  • Strengthend your Leadership
    1m 35s
  • Everything start with Why
    5m 8s
  • Company Culture Improvement
    2m 5s
  • Leading Change
    2m 15s
  • Summay
    2m 38s

Randall Williamson

Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management

About Speaker Randall Williamson

Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.

Integer quis aliquam eros. Phasellus tortor lacus, malesuada id varius eget, dignissim ac augue. Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.

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  • Seating Options

    Standing only

  • Call Box Office

    (03) 9071 2434